Privacy and Dignity

Privacy and Dignity


Aim: To understand the importance of privacy and dignity within health and social care, and how to implement them into your work.


By successfully completing this course you will be able to:

  • Explain what is meant by privacy and dignity
  • Describe the principles behind keeping an individual’s privacy and dignity
  • List 3 ways to maintain the privacy and dignity of an individual
  • Explain how to support the “right to choose” of an individual
  • Describe what an informed choice is, and how to support an individual to have one
  • Explain what active participation is, and 3 ways to promote it

Course Duration: 1 to 2 hours.

If you are looking to enroll more than one individual, please visit the Group Creation page HERE.


Welcome to the Halo Staffing eLearning course for Standard 7 – Privacy and Dignity of the Care Certificate. In this course we’ll go through everything you’ll need to know in order to be able to treat individuals with the privacy and dignity they deserve.

The first section will cover being able to describe what privacy and dignity are, what situations they might be compromised in, and how to maintain an individual’s privacy and dignity in a work setting.

Following that will be coverage of the actions you can take to promote an individual’s privacy and dignity, how to maintain privacy and dignity at all times, the importance of not disclosing personal information, and when you should report relevant concerns.

The third section will be on supporting rights to choose, involving giving an individual all of the information they need to make an informed choice, what risk assessments are and how to use them, why your views must not affect the choice an individual makes, and how to help an individual challenge decisions made for them by others.

After that, supporting individuals with their informed choices, using risk assessments to support the rights of individuals, making sure that your views do not affect any choices that are made, and how you should report relevant concerns, along with who you should make those reports to, will all be covered.

From there, supporting active participation will be covered, touching on the importance of valuing the contributions of people, how to enable people to make informed choices on their lives, other ways you can support active participation, and helping people to develop their skills in self care and maintaining friendships.

Finally, what will be covered will be supporting an individual to participate in their own care, including how to demonstrate your support to an individual, how to reflect on your own views and ways they could affect the choices of an individual, and who and when to report relevant concerns to.

You can view the introduction video for the Privacy and Dignity course below.


Is this for me? 

This course has been carefully designed for carers, support workers, nurses and managers who want to learn more about Standard 7 of the Care Certificate – Privacy and Dignity. Completing this course will ensure that you are fully up to date with relevant content to provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in your field. On successful completion of this course, you will be issued with a certificate and digital badge valid for 1 year.

Why should I take this course? 

You should take this course if it’s necessary for you or your team to understand the importance of privacy and dignity within health and social care, and how to implement them into your work. Keeping in line with Skills for Care and the key legislation such as the Equality Act 2010, Care Act 2014, Mental Capacity Act 2005, Health and Social Care Act 2008 and the General Data Protection Regulation 2018. 

What will I learn? 

This course will provide you and/or your team with an understanding of what privacy and dignity is, what the principles behind keeping an individual’s privacy and dignity, ways to maintain the privacy and dignity of an individual, how to support the right to choose of an individual, what an informed choice is and how to support an individual to have one. You will also learn what active participation is and how you can promote it. 

Course Duration: 1 to 2 hours.

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Halo Staffing

Halo Staffing


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