Supporting Those Who May Self-Harm

Supporting Those Who May Self-Harm


Aim: To be able to support individuals with care and understanding, and reduce their need to self-harm 


  • To describe what self-harm is 
  • To identify at least 6 signs of self-harm 
  • To describe how to treat individuals that self-harm with care and compassion 
  • To describe your safeguarding duties if you suspect an individual is self-harming 
  • To be able to appropriately respond to signs of self-harm 
  • To describe your safeguarding duties if an individual is self-harming 
  • To describe how to deliver appropriate care after an individual has self-harmed 
  • To be able to describe what harm minimisation strategies are, and how they should be used 
  • To be aware of potential intervention strategies for long-term progress 

Course Duration: From 30 minutes to 1 hour.

If you are looking to enroll more than one individual, please visit the Group Creation page HERE.


Welcome to the Halo Staffing eLearning course on Supporting those who may Self-harm. In this course we will go over everything you’ll need to know to be able to approach those who may self-harm with care and understanding. 

The first section will cover what self-harm is, and potential reasons an individual might self-harm.  

From there, we’ll look at signs of self-harm, and how you might identify it.  

After that, we’ll look at how you can approach individuals who self-harm with both care and compassion.  

The fourth section will look at some of the things you can do to help prevent an individual from wishing to self-harm. 

The section following that will cover what your safeguarding duties are if you suspect that an individual is self-harming.  

Following that will be the section on what the appropriate response to signs of self-harm is.  

From there, we will cover what your safeguarding duties are if you encounter an individual self-harming.  

After that will be the section on delivering the appropriate care to an individual in the event that they have self-harmed.  

The penultimate section will be on harm minimisation strategies, and how they can be used to help an individual. 

Finally, we’ll look at intervention strategies that can aid an individual long-term.  

You can view the introduction video for the Supporting those who may Self-harm course below.

Is this for me? 

This course has been carefully designed for Carers, Support Workers, Nurses, and Managers who want to learn more about Supporting Those Who May Self-Harm. Completing this course will ensure that you are fully up to date with relevant content to provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in your field. 

Why should I take this course? 

You should take this course if it’s necessary for you or your team to keep and protect people from harm and abuse. Keeping in line with Skills for Care and the key legislation such as the Equality Act 2010, Care Act 2014, Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the General Data Protection Regulation 2018. 

What will I learn? 

This course will provide you and/or your team with an understanding of what self-harm is, the reasons of why someone may self-harm, the signs of self-harm, how to identify if someone has self-harmed, ways to prevent an individual from self-harming and how to show compassion and care. You will also learn what your safeguarding duties are, how to deliver the appropriate care to an individual in the event that they have self-harmed, harm minimisation strategies and intervention strategies to aid an individual long-term.  


Course Duration: From 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Additional information

Halo Staffing

Halo Staffing

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